When Do I Visit An Emergency Dentist?

Dental Emergency

Many people fear the dentist but there are certain situations when a visit to an emergency dentist simply cannot be avoided. Such circumstances include a chipped or loose tooth, a severe toothache, bleeding, and other distressing dental situations. There are times when you should not delay in seeing a dentist but when does a dental situation become so critical that emergency dental care is needed? Continue reading to find out more.


Not all dental concerns require emergency care and some issues that happen overnight can wait until the next morning. However, severe dental problems need immediate attention to prevent the condition from worsening and leading to other more critical situations. A toothache is often perceived as a temporary dental issue but if it involves severe pain, bleeding, infections, or fallen teeth, then emergency dental care is definitely required.

When Do You Need Emergency Dental Care?

Regular visits to the dentist are important for you to maintain proper dental health, but some situations require the help of emergency dentists to address the critical dental problem. Below are some signs that can help you determine whether you need emergency dental care or otherwise:

  • Loose Tooth – Children losing teeth is common when they are growing up but adults should not be experiencing tooth loss. Loose tooth may be caused by a number of reasons such as suffering a painful injury or getting involved in an accident. A loose tooth may also be an indicator of an infected tooth which may cause a painful toothache. An emergency dentist can help to treat the infection and check for any signs of jaw or nerve damage.
  • Severe Toothache – Toothaches are the leading cause of emergency dental care due to the extreme discomfort they cause. Some toothaches can just be treated at home but severe toothaches require urgent relief and treatment. Such a critical dental situation is often caused by cavities, infections, and other conditions that affect oral health.
  • Bleeding Gums – If your gums bleed after flossing, you may be suffering from gingivitis. This may not be an emergency dental situation but it is best to seek early treatment from your dentist for a treatment and diagnosis. If you experience severe bleeding, seek immediate dental care as excessive blood loss can be dangerous to your body.
  • Swollen Jaw – Swelling of the jaw often indicates a severe infection that originates from the salivary glands. This may be accompanied by a bad taste, difficulty in swallowing, and fever. This bacterial infection on the salivary glands may prevent saliva from washing away bacteria and breaking down food.
  • Dental Abscess – A dental abscess usually happens at the root of a tooth that has an untreated cavity. Trauma that took place in the mouth like a broken tooth or infections may also cause an abscess. An abscess is not that visible but its symptoms can be easily noticed such as fever, foul taste in mouth, pus, and swollen glands.
  • Numbness in Mouth – Not all toothaches go away on their own. It is particularly distressing when you have been experiencing a toothache for some time before suddenly not feeling anything at all. This may be a sign of numbness which is caused by the rapid spread of an infection. The abscess may have reached the root of the infected tooth and impacted its nerves.
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