What Is Functional Dentistry?

Cleanings & Prevention

Functional dentistry is a policy that focuses on the root cause of a problem rather than how to fix the said problem. A functional dentist looks at a person’s dental problem as part of their overall health and well-being. He or she looks for the root cause of why something is happening in your mouth. Functional dentistry believes in looking for etiology of and suggesting changes that will aid in optimizing a patient’s health in order to ultimately avoid future dental problems. 

In functional dentistry, prevention is better than cure, hence functional dentists aim to educate their patients to prevent reoccurrence of the same problem. There are some key points that are taught under functional dentistry that everyone should know about. Such points are:

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Brush your teeth for two minutes after breakfast in the morning and before going to bed at night. Add fluoride toothpaste in your daily routine and remember to floss daily since a large percentage of decays can be found in between back teeth contacts.

Strive to Maintain a Balanced Oral Microbiome

A foundation for good oral hygiene is the maintenance of a good oral microbiome. Bacteria help to combat oral diseases and bad breath. Flossing, tongue cleaning and avoiding processed food supports a balanced microbiome. 

Encourage Nasal Breathing

Breathing through the mouth has detrimental effects on dental health. When you breathe orally, your tongue drops, forcing the mandible to move down and forward. This puts a lot of strain on all the muscles and jaw joint, which can lead to facial pain, sleep apnea and headaches. Nasal breathing should be encouraged as it maintains facial structure integrity and allows clean air to reach the lungs. 

Take Vitamins and Supplements

Some vitamins such as Vitamin K2, Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, trace elements and oral probiotics should be added to your daily dietary requirements as they can re-mineralize cavities and help restore the tooth back to its original state. 

Adapt the 80/20 Diet Rule

The 80/20 rule is an approach to healthy eating that teaches you moderation, balance and indulging without feeling a sense of guilt. You can eat re-mineralizing foods like nuts, milk, cheese and other milk products to help enrich the tooth structure which prevent cavities from forming. However, certain de-mineralizing foods like fruit juices and sweets should be avoided as they corrode the enamel and increases sensitivity. Eat high quality protein, healthy fats and leafy greens and avoid carbonated drinks at all times to achieve the best results. 

Functional dentistry is a game changer as it helps patients become aware of what they need to do to avoid future dental problems. 

If you have any questions on your dental health and what you can do to improve your dental hygiene to prevent future oral health problems, consult with our dentists at Real Smile today. Our testimonials from satisfied clients prove how reliable and experienced we are. You can rest assure knowing that we are here to provide you with top-notch dental services. Contact us today to schedule a consultation today.

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