Post-Care Tips For Dental Implant Surgery

Cosmetic Dentistry

Dental implant surgery may sound intimidating to many, but it is vital to understand that the success of an oral surgery does not stop in the operating room. The success of the surgery depends on the after-care recovery too. Read on to find out more about how you may care for your dental implants effectively and adequately.

Keeping Dental Implant andMouth Clean

Maintaining oral hygiene may sound simple but it is essentially the most important step in the post-care treatment. Oral hygiene goes a long way and learning how to keep it clean will benefit you even after or without any dental procedures. It is important to brush your teeth daily with the right brushing techniques and avoid brushing or agitating the surgical site for the first couple of days until tenderness permits. Patients are encourages to keep food away from the surgical site for as long as possible, rinsing your mouth following food intake is important. An alternative to rinsing your mouth is to use warm salt mouthwash. It is beneficial for healing in the first week and lastly, hold off smoking until the wound has healed as it limited healing.

Things To Avoid After Dental Implant Treatment

There are many old wives folk tales about post-care treatment and things to avoid. But the priority should be not agitating the surgical areas, therefore, it is important to have more cold drinks and try to lay off food until the local anesthetic has worn off. Hot food and beverages will irritate your surgical site and avoid swirling liquid over the area when ingesting food. It is also recommended that patients do not do strenuous exercise for the first 48 hours after procedure. Lastly, as mentioned above, avoid smoking as it limits your healing.

Stitches Around Implant

The stitches might bring about little discomfort after the procedure but most dentists use dissolvable stitches which will go off after two or three weeks. You may expect minor bleeding after the surgery in your mouth, you can apply pressure by biting firmly over the area on a dampened gauze for 15 minutes while sitting upright. Avoid checking or changing the gauze frequently. If the bleeding persists after applying pressure, you should contact the clinic for assistance.

Coping With Pain After Procedure

Painkillers will be prescribed after the procedure, but you may still be sore for a few days around the surgical area. Follow through with the dosages, you may take up to the maximum stated dose for the first two days following surgery but it is important not to exceed and overdose. The pain will wear off if you do not agitate the surgical sites.

Post-care tips following your dental surgery is simple, and it is important to understand that everyone has different healing speed and processes. Allow the surgical site to heal without interferences and have ample rest. Feel free to contact your clinic and clarify on any of your doubts or if your wound does not heal properly. Your professional dentist will advise you should any interventions be required.

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