10 Signs That Say You Have A Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

Toothaches sometimes come knocking without a warning. In many cases though, a dental emergency is preceded by red flags. Your best bet is to take heed and see a dentist immediately you notice gum redness, bleeding or sensitivity. But just when and how can you tell that your case is an emergency? Should you be keen on the degree of pain or its location? Should excess bleeding or foul smell get you concerned? Read on to learn more.

A Loose Tooth

If you are an adult, you should never experience wiggly teeth or loose teeth. As an adult, your teeth should have properly matured into sturdy tools to help you speak, smile and eat without struggling. A loose tooth is therefore a sign that something is wrong. Most likely, you have an injury from impact. It could be that you have jaw damage or localized infection. For localized infection, the loose tooth may come along with gum tenderness, bleeding or redness. All these are symptoms of dental caries or gum disease. See a dentist as soon as you can.

Severe Toothache

A minor toothache should not worry you so much. But be worried if the toothache persists for days with pain that radiates to your jawbone. Be worried too if the toothache causes your neck and face to swell. This is often a sign that you have an infection spreading quickly to other parts of your body from a tooth. See you dentist immediately.

Aching and Bleeding Gums

These are the two most common symptoms of gum disease. Now the thing with many gum diseases is that they are usually preceded by mild symptoms. You may notice that your gums bleed but you do not experience pain. You may also notice gum inflammation, redness or sensitivity. Do not wait until your gums are too swollen with pus oozing. That is a sign that your gum disease has progressed to gingivitis or advanced gingivitis. The best you can do here is to see your dentist immediately you notice bleeding.

Swollen Jaws

This by far one of the surest symptoms of infection. Seek immediate dental assistance if the swelling is accompanied by a bad taste in your mouth, trouble breathing, swallowing or fever. These symptoms could very well mean that you have salivary gland infection. It is a bacterial infection caused by blockage in salivary glands. Note that that salivary gland infection is fairly uncommon. It is a serious infection though because it means your salivary glands are blocked. Your mouth will have a hard time breaking down food or washing away bacteria. You may also struggle to swallow food.

Dental Abscess

Dental abscess cases are usually synonymous with pain. It is an infection mostly found at the tooth root. It can be caused by severe gum disease or a cavity that has been left untreated for a long time. It can also be caused by trauma. Symptoms include swollen glands, foul taste and pus.

Severe Canker Sores

Lesions in your mouth that refuse to heal can easily mean you have a weak immune system. See your dentist as soon as you can. Note though that canker sores are normal. They happen to everyone. The only time you should be concerned is when they take way too long to heal.

Constant Headaches

There is a link between dental complications and some types of headaches. In dentistry, constant headaches can be a sign that a patient has bruxism or grinding teeth. See your dentist if the headache is accompanied by increased tooth sensitivity or worn down tooth enamel.

Numb Tooth

This dental emergency is usually preceded by a painful toothache. You will then experience no sensations at all. This is never a good sign because it is an indication that an infection has spread to the root of your tooth. It could also be that an abscess reached your tooth root where nerves are. You will most likely need a root canal.

You are Tired

Exhaustion is a sign that your body is overworking to heal itself. Visit your dentist to be sure your exhaustion is not caused by gum disease or an abscessed tooth. Be particularly keen if your exhaustion is accompanied by headaches.

Metallic Taste In Your Mouth

This mostly happens if you had a metal filling before. It is a sign that your old filing has become loose or has cracked. Remember that open filings can leave your teeth susceptible to infections. See your dentist immediately if you are experiencing any type of dental emergency.

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